[ Stillnotes ] 22 — Suddenly

22 » Suddenly

Suddenly, I'm back in Scotland. Thinking about ferocious wind, black boiling clouds, unrest.

Suddenly, I'm back in Iceland. Head to toe in Gore-Tex, incessant rain, muddy colors splotched erratically on a canvas.

Suddenly, Norway. A hike that wasn't supposed to last past sunset. Ice spray at my back as I click the shutter on what seems like a peaceful scene. Small inlets, warm coffee, hardy people at the intersection of mountains and ocean.

I feel a photo essay brewing. I told myself after Norway I was done with northern-highlands-type travel. I don't want to become a one-trick pony. But these landscapes tug at me, each in their own way, but with the same heart. I revel in the days without sunlight, brutal weather, wild geography, no-frills culture.

So now I'll try and put words to photos and feelings and see what comes out.

Hope you enjoy the photos. Galleries from Iceland and Scotland here if you'd like to see more. I'm still just getting started on the Norway work.

'til next week.


Alex Eaton

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